Saturday, March 27, 2010

Round 4, and some disappointing news. :(

Well, I finished round 4 of chemo!  That means that it was the last round of the first set of drugs, and next time will be completely different.  For most people the second set of drugs are easier to take, so everybody can be praying that the same it true for me!

I have not been feeling so great this weekend, but nothing too unusual.  We went back to the first kind of anti-nausea drugs, because while I didn't feel really great on them, they had the least amount of unpleasant side-effects.  So, we'll plan on lots of naps this weekend!

And now, the disappointing news.  At first, I was only going to have to take the shots for the first 4 rounds of chemo, then I would be done.  So, I have been counting down, and have been so excited, thinking that this round would be the last round with the shots!  I really hate the shots, not only because I hate stabbing myself in the stomach with needles, but because of the mind-numbing bone pain they cause. :(  So.....I double checked with my doctor to make sure that I would be done with them after this round....and I'm not. :(  I have to keep up with them through the rest of chemo.   She said maybe, MAYBE, if I have NO complications through the next 3 rounds, I can skip the shots on my last round since I won't have to worry about getting my white blood count up another round of chemo at that point.  Words just cannot express my disappointment.  I almost burst into tears in the middle of the office!  But, I am trying to remind myself that if they are what is best for me, what will keep me the safest, and keep me on schedule, then it will be worth it.  I will just have to mentally gear up for them!

Well, you guys can keep praying for us.  Pray for strength to keep going on - this is a very tiring process for both of us, and has been very draining.  You can also pray that this is an easier round, with fewer side effects, and that I have some energy!

Thank you all for your support and love.  It has all meant so much!


  1. Kelli: So sorry to hear about the shots. We will be praying about the new chemo drug. We can only imagine what you and Dave are going through. This is certainly a fiery trial. Our prayer is that you both will come out shining. In the meantime, may the prayers going up for you lift you to new heights every day. "Lord lift me up and help me stand by faith on heavens table-land. No higher ground than I have found, Lord plant my feet on higher ground." (an old chorus)
    We love you. Jeff & Susan

  2. Hey Kelli,

    Keep pushing forward. You have many, many people who are lifting you up in prayer for strength and health. Every shot means one less. Every treatment means one less. Keep it up!! I'm amazed at your strength through this journey.

    God's blessings on you,

