Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 28

Today I'm thankful for the ability to homeschool our kids.  There are so many factors that go into homeschooling to make it what it is today.  I'm thankful that Dave works so hard for our family so that I can stay home, and I'm thankful that he's so very supportive of homeschooling.  I'm thankful that there is solid, Bible-based, academically challenging curriculum to choose from that is modern, relavent, and doctrinally sound. I'm thankful that the laws of the state and our nation make it much more easy to homeschool than they did back when I was a homeschool kid.  And, though I'm still working on discovering more of them, I'm thankful for all the homeschooling resources that I know are out there.

To be totally and completely honest, I don't always enjoy every moment of being a homeschool mom.  However, I truly think it's the best option for our family right now, and I'm incredibly thankful for all the ways that God has provided for us that make it a possibility.

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