Thursday, November 11, 2010

First haircut since January

I went in to get my hair cut today.  I actually got a little nervous!  Every little bit of hair still seems so precious, but the reality was, that all that preciousness was getting out of control and not so great looking.

So, I went in to see Sue, who is my favorite hair-person of all time, and not only was it fun to see her and catch up a little, she fixed my hair and showed me what to do with it!  I haven't had short hair since I was 9 years old, and even then, I don't think it was quite this short, so I've been at a loss when trying to figure out what to do with it or what products to use on it.  It's just not the same as working with my long hair!

So, here's the new style (my apologies for the low-quality pic, I just used the camera on my computer!):

I'm still looking forward to long hair, but in the meantime, I have a style I can feel good in.  I love it!  Oh, and I had missed having my hair cut.  I love having someone else mess with my hair, it's like a scalp massage.  It's just so relaxing!

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