Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Anniversary Andy!

Today was the one-year anniversary of Andy's adoption, and the four of us spent the afternoon celebrating!  We went to Caribou for a very late lunch and had very cheesy grilled cheese and hot chocolate (coffee for me, of course).

After our grilled cheeses, we stayed and played Skip-Bo and Uno, and snacked on carmel hi-rise snack mix (yum!).

We had so much fun laughing and spending time with each other!

After a quick stop at Target, we headed out through the snow to Build-A-Bear, where we had gotten Peter - Andy's adoption bear.  We let him pick out a new outfit for his bear, and enjoyed our time there. I was really proud of him - we gave him a very specific budget, and he was very careful to stay within it.

We let Andy choose where he wanted to eat, and he chose Wendy's at the mall.   I was a little surprised that he didn't go for something like Fuddrucker's, but he was happy with his choice.

It was a fun way to spend the day!
Andy, I can hardly believe you have been a Schoney for a year.  We've had ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade you for all the riches the world could offer.  You have grown in my heart in ways I never could have imagined, and I love you more than words could express.  You have grown so much in this past year - and I'm so proud of the person you are becoming.  God blessed us greatly when He brought you to be part of our family!  I'm so very glad you're home for always.

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