Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We're in!!!

We are very excited, because we got some wonderful news!  WE MADE IT into the next adoption classes, and they begin on November 8th!  Thanks God!

We were told our background checks could take up to two weeks from when they received our fingerprints.  We got our finger prints done and mailed last Thursday, so they probably received them Friday, and we got the call yesterday!

Our classes go from 6-9pm every Monday for 10 weeks, which caused a bit of a problem since I teach till 6pm, and the classes we made it into are about 45 minutes away.  However, I have some of the best piano students/parents ever, and they have so graciously agreed to reschedule during those weeks, so we've already ironed out the scheduling conflicts, and we are good to go! 

Today, we got a little postcard in the mail, with a reminder of our class time, dates, location, etc. (as if I'd forget!).  Then, I read the fine print: "You will receive a detailed letter confirming [a lot of things] a few weeks prior to your training."  I'm already looking forward to the "detailed" letter (translation: 50 more pages of paperwork?).

We're excited!


  1. That is wonderful! I found your blog via Money saving mom.

  2. Thanks! And welcome to the blog - I hope you enjoy it! :)

  3. Congrats!!! I am so excited for you guys! I have to admit I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to read so I am taking some time now while the kids are sleeping to catch up. I am so happy for you guys and hope things continue to move in the right direction. We need to do dinner soon! I will e-mail you!
