Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm back!

Have you missed me?  I feel like I pretty much fell off the radar lately!  And it's mostly because I had a new experience:  Being a mom, while being sick.

Turns out it's not all that much fun.

And really, it was just a sinus thing.  But the "just a sinus" thing seemed ten times more exhausting when an energetic 6 year old was running around the house.

Being sick while having kids was, strangely enough, one of my bigger fears of being a mom.  What would I do with the kids when I felt sick?  What about when I needed naps, and they didn't?  What would we all do?

Thankfully, I have a very understanding husband, who was ready to take on kid-duty pretty much all of his non-working hours.  That was really helpful.  He also didn't complain about having an increasingly messy house, which also helped.  The problem was, that the mess never stopped growing.  So now that I'm feeling better, I've got some catching up to do!

At any rate, I highly doubt I'll blog about every sniff and sneeze, but I was glad to get through my first time being sick with a kid.  Though I didn't like it, I'm now more confidant I can do it again (as long as Dave is home).


  1. Way to go Super mom! There is always something new to figure out with parenting. Sounds like you and Dave are doing great at the teamwork. Hope you are feeling much better now.

  2. being sick is NO FUN with or without a kiddo around! Good job for figuring it out :)
